Monday, 31 December 2012



"When God Multiplies The Wealth Of The World By Your Nothingness, What You Will End Up With Is Nothing"--Jam2:17

Retweet, Share, Like, and Re-bc if u are blessed. Jesus Cares.    



"When God Multiplies The Wealth Of The World By Your Nothingness, What You Will End Up With Is Nothing"--Jam2:17

Retweet, Share, Like, and Re-bc if u are blessed. Jesus Cares.

Sunday, 30 December 2012


 Read and Pass On

These Are The Four Success Lessons I Have Learned For 2013 Success From The Ocean. Coast With Me If You Are Interested.
1. Vastness of The Ocean: Increase Your Relationship and Exposure Capacity This Coming Year.
How successful You Will Become Will Be Determined By The Number of Quality People You Know.

The More Exposure You Get, The Wider Your Dream Becomes And The More Influence You Will Have.

2. Deepness Of The Ocean: Increase Your Knowledge Capacity. Know Something About Everything And Know Everything About Something. No Man Can Succeed Beyond What He Knows.

3. Tolerance Of The Ocean: Increase Your Love Capacity. The Ocean Does Not Discriminate. Be Open To The Ministry Of Others In Your Life. Be A Blessing And Not A Lesson To Everyone You Meet. Stop Twisting People To Fit Your Own Image. Stop Loving Only The Reflection Of Yourself You See In Others.

4. Waves: The Ocean Moves Up And Down To Form Waves. The Wave Is What Makes The Ocean Interesting To Surfers And Swimmers. What Makes Our Lives Interesting Also, Are Ups And Downs. Celebrate Every Good And Bad That God Brings Your Way. Let your Choice Of Attitude Determine Your Feelings And Never The Other Way Round. Choose To Be Happy, Come What May.

I Await Your Success Story In 2013. Your Success Is My Concern.

Monday, 8 October 2012



"Stop Paying For Calls When You Can Talk To Your Family, Friends, Loved Ones, Colleagues, Neighbours For Free On Your New Glo line which is automatically your Stanbic IBTC mobile money account Number. Talk For Free From Now Till Whenever. No Hidden Charges At All."


In Gistandcash, what we are simply marketing is globacom and stanbic IBTC mobile money account.

*when you register, a page will be created for you on the company's website, that's where your direct downlines will register through.

*After registering online, you will send ur registration details to your upline, who wiil contact the company to approve your mobile money which is also your glo line for making free calls to people on this same network

*You will introduce at least 7ppl to do the same thing you have done. Encourage them to bring at least 7ppl each. Once your network has grown beyond 50 ppl, then you will begin to smile to the bank.

*if in your 1st month you have 100ppl in your network, you will earn N10,700 (1,400 from direct lines+ 9,300 frm indirect lines). If under 3 months, your network has grown to 300ppl, that means you will earn 30k or more.

*Another way of earning is through monthly subscription of N2000 from your mobile money account to the company's account. For paying this amount, the company will pay you N100 on each person you have in your network. E.g: N100 x 100ppl in a month again = 10k. That is your salary and you can determine what you earn.

*The third way of earning is through getting percentages from everyone in your network. This is where the real thing happens. You can earn upto 50% of whatever your direct downlines are earning and 5% on your indirect lines

*Another way of earning is The Reward, at least if you work SMART, you should be able to earn these rewards in less than 2 years. There is a 7 days vacation to any country of your choice, latest model Toyota Car, and N20million for your housing project. Then you exit.

*The system for one person can contain 980,680 people, multiply that by N100 of monthly subscription and N100 of registration before the percentage earning, You are a Realionnaire.

*To register, pay N3,500 into Richvision account in any Stanbic IBTC
Bank Details
Bank Name: Stanbic IBTC Bank
Account Name: RichVision Consultancy Ltd
Account Number: 0002280168

After payment, visit to "Join Now" using the Referral ID- of the person that introduced you to Gist and Cash. Cancel the company's ID- richvision on the form and type your Referral ID- honourlaja.

FAQ and Answers

*What is the role of Glo and Stanbic in this?
Ans: Richvision is the consultancy company that brought glo and stanbic together to leverage on the power of networking. So glo and stanbic are in conjuction with richvision. Glo and stanbic will also not put their reputation on the line because they need customers, so this business is real and secured.

*What if I already have a glo line, can my existing line be converted to mobile money account?
Ans: existing lines cannnot be used for mobile money account. If you already have a glo line or you don't want to get another phone, we advise you to use your own discretion: either get a cheap phone or slut the line into your phone anytime you want to enjoy free calls or check your account balance.

*What if I can bring more than 7ppl as my direct line, what will be my. Bonus for that?
Ans: for every person you introduce and registers under your user ID-, you will earn N200 even if they are 50ppl but starting from the 8th person, your excess downlines will be fixed under any of your direct 7 downlines, to ensure the growth of your network.

*What if at the end of the month, I have not earned up to 2000 will I still pay for monthly subscription?
Ans: we advise that you work SMART so that you don't slow the growth of others on the network. It is expected that you have atleast 56ppl in you first month. We also advise that you weigh your coin very well, if you cannot talk to ppl, don't bother to join us so that you don't slow down our network.

*What if I have group of ppl that would love this idea but cannot come for the weekly seminar?
Ans: notify us ahead of time, organize them for seminar, we will come and lecture them.

*How can I withdraw my money?
Ans: when your mobile money account, which is your glo line gets to you, you will register with glo and still register it with stanbic (utility bills, identity card and passport) to activate your mobile money account pin. Then you will request for your Atm card and withdraw any time you feel like.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

 Amazon Vs Apple. The Battle Of The CEOs...Over Apple TV & iPhone5. Who Do You Think Will Triumph? CEO Jeff Bezos proved that Apple will slowly morph from greatness to just being good in the absence of Steve Jobs.

Jeff Bezos pulled the tech equivalent of peppering a backup goaltender with hockey pucks as he introduced Kindle after Kindle with feature after feature, bell after bell, and whistle after whistle in Santa Monica. It’s as if Tim Cook stepped in for starter Steve Jobs and Bezos told the defense to blitz on every play.

No matter what Apple’s [ AAPL 691.28 +8.30 (+1.22%) ] forthcoming iPhone 5 event brings, there’s no way Cook was prepared for what Bezos threw at him on Thursday.

For the past year, I have argued that Amazon [ AMZN 261.27  +1.03 (+0.40%) ] has no interest in competing against Apple. I was probably correct, but I did miss something critical.

Jeff Bezos wanted no part of a competition against Apple when Steve Jobs was alive. Now, Bezos has decided to pounce, with full force, on Apple when it’s most vulnerable.

In the short term, it doesn’t seem sensible to classify Apple as “vulnerable.” But move beyond the immediate pipeline and it’s clear — this company simply cannot triumph product after product as it did under Jobs’ leadership.

Just use Apple TV as a case in point.

As I explained most recently in mid-August, Tim Cook has no idea how to move forward with Apple TV. On Thursday, Bloomberg, for all intents and purposes, confirmed my speculation. It reports that, while it might have the design down, Apple can’t seem to get anywhere with the old-guard media on content and delivery.

Simply put, television executives saw what happened with iTunes. They’re not about to end up like the music industry.

With Jobs at the negotiating table, Apple might have had a fighting chance. Under Cook, it’s left with a downright pathetic decision to make: Do we produce a glorified DVR player or continue to delay this product?

Apple TV should probably end up where Jobs probably wishes Ping did: On the cutting-room floor.

Steve Jobs claimed he had the living room figured out. It appears he moved the furniture around and turned the lights off on Cook before he left.

Think of Apple TV as a poster child for what has happened to the DNA of this company. Apple pays a dividend. It misses a quarter. It airs and pulls lame retail ads. It overhauls Apple Store staff, only to reverse that decision, as well. It’s all evidence of a company losing the way that made it beyond great.

The “A” player left the team. As much as I love the Big Man, Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band hums along stronger than ever even after the death of saxophonist Clarence Clemons. While I would not call him a “B” player, you can replace Clemons but not Springsteen. That’s the way you have to view practically everybody else in the world, let alone within Apple, against Steve Jobs.

Everybody except Jeff Bezos, of course.

As Bezos produced hit after hit at Amazon’s event Thursday, Eric Savitz of Forbes tweeted:

@savitz 40 minutes into the Amazon launch today, Jeff Bezos is still the only one to appear on stage. Is he the new Steve Jobs?

My response: Yes. He has been for some time.

In fact, the two men have probably been equals all along. Bezos weaves genius like only Jobs could.

Consider this stepped-up competition. It's still secondary to Amazon’s core and winning long-term strategy.

Bezos said all the right things on Thursday:

We don’t produce gadgets, we create services.

We want to make money when people use our devices, not when they buy them.

That’s the type of talk that separates Amazon from practically everybody in tech today, including a Tim Cook-led Apple.

Miraculously, Bezos’ leadership has helped Amazon maintain the unwavering tunnel vision of a startup for more than a decade. Practically everything Amazon does exists to not only drive revenue to its core, but situate it for long-term — measured in decades, not years — profitability. Amazon responds to nobody. It dictates the flow of the spaces it chooses to run in, keeping hyper-focus on e-commerce.

Meantime, Apple prepares to coattail on the only remaining parts of Steve Jobs’ legacy it can as the company prepares to launch another iPhone.

From there, Tim Cook introduces the first product not approved by Steve Jobs. In fact, the last we heard Jobs despised the idea. A mini-iPad.

Before the year’s up, we’ll watch Apple react as opposed to act. That should scare you as an Apple fan. It frightens me, particularly after watching the Jobsian-style show Jeff Bezos put on.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

motivation for success daily: speed is an attitude

I absolutely agree with Airtel Nigeria, that speed is not just something you see during car racing like F1 Racing Sport or during Track and Field where Usain Bolt will dust his competitors. Speed is about Attitude.

For instance, what cargo company comes to mind when you need to send a parcel to another state or country without hassle? Fedex,Nipost or none?
When you have an appointment to catch up with in another state, what airline comes to mind, one with no delay; Virgin, Aero, Air Nigeria, Dana or none?
When you want to embark on a long journey, which network do you think will serve you the most, without headache, MTN, Glo, Etisalat, Airtel, Visafone or none?

In your line of endeavour, when customers or clients think of an on-time business, does your business pop-up in their minds before any?

Habit is repeated actions that become part of you.
Skill is consistent actions with improvement at the back of your mind.
Your habits will give you the same results; but your SKILLS will give you a different result.
 Are you ready to make speed a habit and then turn it into a skill? The truth is we are all trying but only one man has broken this record, JESUS.
He is never late. He moves on the wings of winds. He is the First and the Last, meaning He is all-time First and He chose to take the back seat(Last) so that He could mentor, coach or train you to become the First in your field. Rev22:13

Thursday, 6 September 2012


6 Sept 2012 Help Us Send To More People
Strategy For Overcoming Limitations
Jabez’s Strategy For Overcoming Limitations

9 And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow.10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested. 1Kings4:9

The only way out of a pit is up. When you find yourself thrown in the dungeon of life like Jabez by circumstances or forces greater than you, what you should first realize is that the greater the depth of your affliction the greater your heigth of success. The greater the story, the greater the glory.

Problems are problems because we can do something about them. What you say in your problem days determines whether you will overcome or not. The first step to failure is to blame someone else for it. Jabez could have chosen to throw in the towel and just give himself a flimsy excuse for not succeeding.

His problem drew him closer to God. He allows us like metals go through the fire to be remould into what he wants us to be. Most atimes, these problems are the foundations which must be well constructed before God builds a skyscraper of success on it for us.

As you choose your word in your situations, heaven will honour your faith in Jesus name.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012


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Tuesday, 4 September 2012


 05 Sept 2012 Help Send To More People.
Leadership Development Strategy
Nehemiah’s Strategy for Leadership

And I said unto the king, Let the king live for ever: why should not my countenance be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers’ sepulchres, lieth waste, and the gates thereof are consumed with fire? 4 Then the king said unto me, For what dost thou make request? So I prayed to the God of heaven. Neh2:3-4
 Leadership is not to be demanded but to be earned. Leadership this day is getting people to do what you want done because they want to do it. One trait that every potential leader must pursue after than anything else is Responsibility. Responsibilty is an instance of being responsible for a particular burden of obligation. Filling a gap or correcting a wrong trend, volunteering to take up a task, that’s responsibility. Nehemiah who was just a cup bearer became a governor because he took the initiative to lead, and he ruled better than his predecessors because he rose through the ranks and not that he fell there. Your words tells others where your mind is but your works tells others about your commitment. Your words and works tells how sincere you are in what you do. If you will ever amount to anything great in life, you words and your works will tell. As you begin to take initiative to fill in the gaps anywhere you are, you will rise to the top in Jesus name.

Monday, 3 September 2012


 04 Sept, 12. Help Us Send To More People.
 David’s Winning Strategy
“I will say of the Lord,He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. Ps91:2.

David, as a war lord understood the Power of Words. He understood that ‘war begins with words’. So whatever circumstance you are facing, you can be sure that the genesis of it was words, either spoken by you or someone else.

The secret weapon that gave David a hedge over other lords was that he knew how to talk his way out of his many troubles by ‘talking to God’. Many of us talk to people before we talk to God about our problems.
David spoke about what God was capable of doing in his circumstance and not what his enemies did. He simply magnified God more than his problems. It is what you feed that grows, what you don’t feed dies naturally. If only you would stop feeding your problems, your weaknesses, your failures, your in-abilities and start feeding your God-abilities by declaring His praise- what he would do in your situation, like the 3 (three) Hebrew boys, your problem will become history in Jesus name.

Note: We need your generous support to make this devotional available in print, free of charge as a gift to the body of Christ through Churches and Christian organisations.
Bank: Ecobank
Acct No: 0044409637
Name: Onalaja Ademola

Sunday, 2 September 2012


Joshua & Caleb’s Strategy To A Better Future:
But Joshua the son of Nun, and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, which were of the men that went to search the land, lived still. Num14:38

The future is everything that you can become but yet to become. The future is now, as long as you are ready to break the limits. How the future would be is determined by Vision. Your vision is the window of your future. Without vision, your mission won’t be accomplished.
What you will become is what you have experienced.

Vision is a function of who you are. What people see (problem or opportunity) is not as a result of what is on ground but a function of who you are. A pessimist sees problems while an optimist sees opportunities. The way pessimists see problems is always the problem.

The only thing separating a man from his desired future is the walls of impossibility he has succeeded in creating for his own world. What you see will determine what you say and what you say will determine what to do. Those who spied the land and brought back evil reports were plagued by God to death but those who saw differently lived to possess their possessions.
As you begin to see, say and act differently, you shall possess your desired future in Jesus name.      


 Ronaldinho Died In A Car Crash


(Local Team News 9) Ronaldinho died in a single vehicle crash on Route 80 between Morristown and Roswell. He was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics responding to the vehicle accident and was identified by photo ID found on his body. Alcohol and drugs do not appear to have been a factor in this accident - September 2, 2012

Highway Safety Investigators have told reporters that Ronaldinho lost control while driving a friend's vehicle on Interstate 80 and rolled the vehicle several times killing him instantly.

The vehicle was believed to have been traveling at approximately 95 miles per hour in a 55mph zone at the time of the accident.

Witnesses have stated that Ronaldinho's car crossed the double lines several times prior to the accident and hit the center lane divider causing the vehicle to flip and roll.

Toxicology tests will be performed to determine whether he was driving under the influence, however initial findings indicate that durgs or alcohol did not contribute in any way to this accident as it was more likely to been caused by road conditions.

Memorial services for Ronaldinho have not yet been announced. The service is expected to be a closed casket funeral due to the severe head trauma.

Saturday, 1 September 2012


Joseph’s Strategy for Fulfilling Purpose:
"9 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. 10 And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? Gen37:9-10."

It is indeed true that a sealed lips is a sealed destiny. If you don’t talk about your dreams, you have already given in to defeat. If your dreams are not worth talking about, then don’t export it.

Big dreams will need the support of others for it to be realized. Big dreams are to be shared because it’s bigger than the dreamer and you must talk about it to involve others. If Joseph had fail to talk about his dreams to his family, he would probably have failed. Because his brothers would not have sent him into the midst of his destiny helpers.

It’s important to talk about your dreams with people you believe can be of help to its attainment. Unless you talk about it, they will never know how committed you are. Talking about your dreams reveals your destiny helpers. It helps you separate the wheat from the chaffs; those who don’t believe in you will be revealed and you will also get to know those who believe in you. Talking about your dreams and involving people makes it impossible for you to throw in the towel. It makes it impossible for you to fail.

Those who understands the Power of Words will fulfill purpose better than any other. Talk about your dreams, use their lack of faith in you as a motivation and you will fulfilling purpose in Jesus name.

Friday, 31 August 2012


 Wealth Strategy
  Abraham’s Wealth Strategy
8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together. Gen22:8
Abraham, like many of us have had series of encounters with God: from having to leave a comfort zone to an uncertain destination or having to follow the path which seem not to be filled with milk and honey (good ends) or escaping a famine and coming out of some situations a better person, to making mistakes that could have cost us our destinies, or having to wait for some blessings that we needed desperately. And so, the only answer we could give when our supply of resources is been questioned is that ‘God Will Provide’, because it is our Words that creates our World.
People’s expectations of us are high. When men look up to us, let us learn to look up to God like Abraham did.
You shall possess your wealth as you look up to him in Jesus name.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012


 When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable

Purpose in life is not to be discovered but to be revealed. The most important treasure on earth is neither gold nor diamond but purpose.
What is lacking in third world countries today is not corruption but purpose.
Your purpose is the essence of your living. The reason you are alive is for a purpose. But whatever you are doing where you are is either for the right or wrong purpose. You cannot become a champion by running on another athlete's track. You have to live in your purpose. Your purpose in life will serve only 3people: God, others and you.
What is your purpose of existence?

Monday, 27 August 2012


 When You Are Seated Together With Christ In Heaven, The Only Thing You Can Do About Your Problem Is To Look Down On It.

What you do not intimidate will intimidate you. If your presence does not command respect, you will be commanded. Life's full of problems but how you deal with yours is totally different from how I deal with mine. If you take a vehicle view of your problems, they will look bigger than you. If you take an helicopter view, your problems will be lesser compared to vehicle view but when you take a Heaven view of your problems, what do you think will happen to your life's problems? They will disappear totally. How you see your problem is the problem. Take a Heaven view.

Saturday, 25 August 2012


 A black pot produces a white pap.~Yoruba proverb

We all know what gold passes through before it becomes pure. Fire!
Do you also know that you cannot have a star in the Army without a scar?
Do you also agree with me that the greatest man that ever lived on earth was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth?
All of these examples have something in common and that is "paying the price".
The problem with our dear country is not corruption neither is it terrorism. The problem is that we have stopped believing in Nigeria. Imagine a 52years old man who doesn't believe in himself. What do you think will happen to him? He will lack the will to put his life on track. Have you ever asked yourself why corruption has taken over completely in Nigeria? The highest employer of labour in Nigeria is corruption. Terrorism has become the order of the day. But why is all these happening in our own generation? This is the question we all should be asking ourselves if we need solution to our nation's crisis. This is the question I've started asking myself of recent after reading the account of Moses and Jesus. Why did the government of their time approved the killing of babies, children, infants? The answer is that the cabal of their time do not want those with the solution to see the light of the day. The same thing is happening in our own time. Those who have the answer to our problems are among us, it may even be you. But the system has been corrupted so that you will have no option than to swim with the current. They want to also make sure that you and I stop believing that we can still have the Nigeria of our dream. The corrupt and occultic leaders we have today rose from among us. You are here today, when you get there later in life will you allow yourself to be corrupted also. Who do you think will fight for the right of others? Who do you expect to speak for the freedom of the less privileges? Wherever you find yourself tomorrow or later in life, remember this one thing- that you are there for a purpose and the purpose is for the greater good of all and not just of yourself. If Mahatma Ghandi of India had waited for someone else to fight for others, do you think he will ever be remembered? If you also are waiting for someone to take steps before you stand for what is right, your generation yet unborn will never be free from this evil trend. The generation of our fathers and fore-fathers have failed us, are we also going to fail the generations coming behind us by not standing our ground for what is right? The solution to our problem in Nigeria is for you to start doing what is right in your office, neighbourhood, and society.
It has to start from you because the whole world awaits your action.


 This is how I make money online. You don't register with any cash yet you make money and get paid at the end of d month through Western Union click the link            

Friday, 24 August 2012


 Expect the best, prepare for the worse. Take advantage of whatever comes your way.

There are two ways to solving life's problems: identify the ones you can do something about and those you can do nothing about. When you expect help from anyone either divine or relational, it is best to keep a tab on this understanding that when people help you, they create themselves in you and when they don't help you, they have succeeded in helping you believe in yourself. Even God, when He answers you, you have faith in Him and when He does not, He has faith in you. Instead of getting mad at yourself and people you love, this understanding will save you from expecting too much from others, because that was the cause of getting disappointed in the first place.


 Build a highway to success with whatever life throws at you and not wall of discouragement.

Paulo Coehlo says "if a man knows what he wants from life, the whole universe will conspire to make it happen. Whether good or bad, see every circumstance as leverage given to you by the world to build something that will outlast your name and bless even generations yet unborn. Always be on the positive side of life because a shouting side is always the winning side. You can decide to build a wall or a highway with whatever life throws at you, it's your call.

Thursday, 23 August 2012


  Expect the best, prepare for the worse. Take advantage of whatever comes your way.

There are two ways to solving life's problems: identify the ones you can do something about and those you can do nothing about. When you expect help from anyone either divine or relational, it is best to keep a tab on this understanding that when people help you, they create themselves in you and when they don't help you, they have succeeded in helping you believe in yourself. Even God, when He answers you, you have faith in Him and when He does not, He has faith in you. Instead of getting mad at yourself and people you love, this understanding will save you from expecting too much from others, because that was the cause of getting disappointed in the first place.

Monday, 20 August 2012


 "Empty barrel makes the loudest noise"

This ancient proverb came to mind when I see people trying to impress those who are also trying to impress them. Insecurity in life, is man's greatest undoing. It has sent a lot of people to penury in their struggle to be what they are not. It has turned several saints to monsters by corrupting their minds inorder to fit into the status quo of the creme de la creme(elites) in the society. It has turned good citizens into corrupt leaders because they want the best for themselves and family.
Being arrogant or proud, like a friend of mine said, is a product of low self-esteem which is caused by this demon of insecurity. Every evil vices you can think of is connected to insecurity. Everyone of us have this little demon inside of us but being aware of it is the first step to conquer it.

Saturday, 18 August 2012


"Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go."~The Bible

Timidity don't take people far in life, only boldness does. An empty-head but bold school boy will intimidate and control a timid book-worm. You can't lead others without this skill. You can't maximize your potentials without exercising this skill either. You can't live to the fullest without boldness. It is a skill and a gift, so it can be learned and developed. There are two ways to get a thing, you either pay or pray for it. What separates a Lion from the rest of the animals in the jungle is not speed, neither is it stature but boldness.
It is true that you can't get things done without boldness. I have discovered that whenever I'm confident of a topic, I deliver at my best than when I'm not. I get things done when I'm confident than when I'm not. The secret to building boldness to succeed in any task is the same anywhere, it is knowledge. How knowledgeable you are in your chosen endeavour will determine your success in it. It is preparation that births knowledge and knowledge in-turn births boldness. If you would know more, you could become more. Try it today, it works.


 The life of a man does not consist in the the abundance of the things which he has.~ The Bible
Let me tell you, money's pretty nice. Though money don't bring real happiness but the lack of it will also make your life miserable. But having a lot of money does not automatically make you a successful person. What you want more than money is meaning. You want your work to be meaningful, because meaning is what brings the real richness to your life. A life of meaning will eventually make you rich. Don't do things because of the money but because it gives you meaning. When you look into your pocket and can't find money, it can be frustrating but when you look into your life and you can find meaning, life becomes interesting even without money.

Friday, 17 August 2012


"Wildflowers survive the desert because they save their strenghts. They wait for the rain, they reach for the sun and finally they bloom."

For how long can you bear the struggles, pains before the spotlight shines on you? Life is not a bed of roses, even bed of roses have thorns. Your strenght is only visible in your days of trouble and not in your days of victory. The best time to quit or give up is not in your days of trouble but in your days of glory. Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof, provided you don't give up when the thought pops In your head. Be determined not only to survive but thrive in the desert as a wildflower.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012


 Contentment with godliness is great gain. ~The Bible

What is success? Success to a lot of people means different things. But may be we should first consider what success is not. Success is not having the wealth of the world at your finger tips than others do; it is not having fame and fortune than our friends; Success is not having more. What success simply means is contentment. Like we all know, the more money we have the more problems we get ourselves into. The more we have the more we will always desire. If we could be contented with what we have, this life would be a better place for all. With contentment, there will be no corruption, evil menace in the society will drastically be reduced. But it should start with me first then you.


 Cosmic rays entered into the earth from mars : read and don't panic
A message about cosmic rays bbc news has been circulating around the web and through sms text message.i also received an sms saying "to night between 12:30 and 3:30am, cosmic rays entered into the earth from mars, so switch off your mobile phones at night, put them yards away and please send to people you love because the effect is devastating.BBC NEWS.

well, this same news was also circulated on the 1st of April being an April fool day, causing panic.

guess the founder really planned it well because almost every one in my street is panicking and arguing over cheap lies.even bbc news did not have such post on their website.

please stop panicking cause there is no cosmic rays entering earth from mars 2012 and years to was made during April fool day but i don't know why some people keep on spreading and putting fear into people's mind.

anyway, don't spread it so as not to give that old man in your area an heart attack.

NOTE: always try to confirm stuff by doing research before spreading it.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012


 "I failed my way to success."~Thomas Edison

Those who dare to fail miserably always accomplish greatly. Failure is part of life's lessons to help you succeed. You are not a failure because you failed but you are a failure when you fail to try again
Failure is not final, it shows you are trying. It also shows you are incompetent. So, step your game up. Failure helps you know what won't work. You will always get what you've always gotten if you do such in the same way. If you are failing repeatedly, examine yourself, look within you. Persist, giving up is not an option.

Sunday, 12 August 2012


  "Everything in life is valuable, no matter how invaluable you think they are."~Wole Olabanji

If you are to chose between a million dollars and a bottle of water, which would you chose? A million dollar of course because it's valuable. But what if you have the same offer when you are stranded in the desert? A bottle of water becomes more valuable. The same thing applies with phases of life. People that lost their wealth in time past will tell you that if they had the knowledge they have now, they wouldn't have lost their wealth. Good times are good and so are bad times, they are important for our build up. Gratitude is the best attitude, it makes joy of today, erases pains of the past and brightens hope for tomorrow, yet aspire to be more.

Saturday, 11 August 2012


 If you have a great idea for a business and dream of making millions in just a couple of years? Here are expert tips on how to make your start-up company a success.


Question to ask yourself: What area is lacking? What void needs to be filled? What service or product is existing companies not offering?
All you need to do is find that one area that is lacking and that you feel that you can contribute to.
There will always be something of value you can add to the market. Can you offer a fair prize for an over-priced product? Can you package an existing product better than it currently is?

Question to ask yourself: Who is my customer and what do they need?
Once you've identified who your customer is, only then should you pick items or services that cater to their needs. Having that singular focus and vision ensures that you stay on point.
It is important to know what your customer needs, how they need it and when they need it. Market survey will help you get hold of your customers needs.


Question to ask yourself: Do I really believe in this company or this product? Do I believe in this concept? Does my vision and mission statement shows what I believe about this company? Can my passion about this company ignite that of others (staffs and customers)? I'm I addicted to my believe of this company? Your passion has got to be burning like a fiery furnance to weather any storm. Others have got to see it in you before they join your crusade.
Follow your passion as this is enough to keep you motivated even in hard times.

Question to ask yourself: What makes sense today? What's trending? What other style can you adopt from relevant market? This is the winning edge you have over your competitors- ability to adopt and adapt.
When it is time to expand the business, keep your singular focus on your vision and mission, and only add a few things that feels like a natural expansion of what your customer is looking for. In this way you will be able to grow without compromising your market position or brand.

If you have a great idea, especially one that hasn't been done before, make sure that you work hard to launch as soon as possible.

Question to ask yourself: Are my partners and employees as passionate about this business as I am?
As your business grows, ensure that everyone you hire is equally motivated. It's crucial to find "mad, passionate, inspired and smart" people to help you bring your dream to life. As a start up, your employees will be saddled with responsiblities that will bring out the best in them. They will be multi-tasked, exchange positions, will be learning and growing together with other likeminds. You will need to keep them motivated, not necessarily financially, because you might not be able to pay what big companies pay, but train and re-train them to be better enough to start their own companies.

Never forget that strong(competent and committed) players build strong brands.

Friday, 10 August 2012


"You can not give what you do not have."~ Unknown
Most atimes the cure to restlessness is rest. God did not do it all in one day, what makes you think you can? Stress is poison, so take a rest. A field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. Relaxation time is receiving time and not a wasted time. There's more to this life than increasing it's speed. Take time to relax. If a man insisted on being serious and never allow himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he will become unstable without knowing it. No matter how much pressure you feel at work, if you could find ways to relax for atleast 5mins every hour, you will be more productive. How do you enjoy your 'leisure' time?

Thursday, 9 August 2012


 5 Reasons Why Small Businesses Fails.

There are several reasons for small business failure, but these are five of the pitfalls that can easily be tackled before it gets out of hand. Most small businesses fails because they were designed to fail from inception. Small businesses fails because they were created for the wrong reasons, started and operated by the wrong people. Small businesses fails because they were created to serve the owner and not the people. Small businesses fails because they were built to grow small. Let me explain further.

1. Designed to fail from inception: a business built without proper analysis, sound business plan to x-ray the SWOT of the company, defining the market, will surely have a slim chance to survive. It is one thing to plan, it is another thing to execute. Poor execution of a sound business plan will stunt the growth of a business.
2. Created for wrong reasons: when a business is created by an entrepreneur who wants to make a living off it, that business is an accident waiting to happen. A business should not be created for the purpose of making a living but for making a life. Businesses created to make a life are such created that can fund itself to grow with time. When an entrepreneur starts taking from the business, it is an early sign of a bleak future.
3. Started and operated by the wrong people: a business started by an entrepreneur who doesn't know jack about the business and relies on some professionals to make it succeed, will crash beyond revival; Operated by workers who have little or no passion for the business and do not see themselves in the future of the business will not stand the test of time.
4. Created to serve the owner and not the people: a business that doesn't give twice the value of the amount a customer pays is designed to make the owner grow fat and leave the customer dissatisfied. A business that sees the customers as "kings" and workers as slaves will surely lose touch, because, the way you treat your workers is the way they will inturn treat your customers. If you treat your workers as kings, then they will treat your customers as such. People should be treated with respect before principles or work ethics.
5. Built to grow small: businesses built by technicians, managers will not grow big. Because you are relevant with the technical-know-how of a business doesn't mean you can succeed in the business. To build a business to grow big, you must be a visionary leader, on-time manager and if possible an expert. One major concept that makes a great company is to build a business like you will sell it one day. Build it like you will sell the franchise. Build it as a prototype for every other ones that will be created from the prototype.


 "Those who seek to please everybody end up pleasing nobody."~Unknown

Having a servant heart does not mean that you should please everybody, it only means that you have the greater good in mind. The skill to say "NO" appropriately, is one of the recipe for a happy and high performing life. Whatever does not align with your personal standard or principle should not be tolerated. Don't allow yourself to be pressured into acting against your principle for whatever reason, by whosoever. When it comes to principle, stand like a rock. God wasn't shy to turn His back on His only begotten son on the cross, for the greater good of all.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


 "Love thy neighbour as thyself."~The Bible

Imagine what life would be without love. What do you think this world would become without love? Chaotic, I guess! People who do not love are constantly living a chaotic life. Hatred is a cancer, it eats up their joy, health, peace and confidence.
Love is not the absence of hatred, it is the ability to cope with it. You are wrong to say you love someone when they haven't wronged you. Wait till they wrong or offend you, then you will know if you have the capacity to love or not. Many marriages, relationships, friendships even homes and organizations are filled with hatred because they fail to understand that love is the ability to cope with hatred. Do you have the capacity to love?

Monday, 6 August 2012


Obeying the ten commandments will get you to Heaven but as you and I know that it is not enough to get to Heaven but it is important to be among the company of the great in Heaven. Being among the company of the great in Heaven cannot be achieved only by obeying the Ten commandments, you need the Eleventh Commandment given by Jesus Christ in Mark10:17-21 emphasy on verse 21. A poor believer with good works will inherit the kingdom but a rich believer without good works is never going to make it home but a rich believer in good works will enjoy the" Treasures of Heaven". Our wealth or resources on Earth are what God converts to our Treasures in Heaven when we give them to the needy. That is the difference between Father Abraham and Lazarus. So am I saying that Money is one of the criterias for making Heaven and having Treasures in Heaven, No, I didn't say that first, Jesus did. God told the Israelites that "Any step toward self-sufficiency is a step away from Him"(Deut8:12-14). Are you rich in good works with your riches? I'm not talking about the things you give out to others when led to do so by the spirit of God. I'm talking about looking out for the needy and blessing them. Do you think your giving to the needy, most especially to them of the house hold of faith can build you a room in Abuja if quantified, talkless of Heaven? Selah


 "A general is just as good or just as bad as the troops under his command make him." ~General Douglas MacArthur

What makes a winning team? Is it the players , the coach, the fans or the management? The best coach in the world cannot turn an inefficient team to a winning team. Two things makes a winning team; competence and commitment. Competence is having the required skill or knowledge. Commitment is the act of engaging oneself. A committed team, when losing, don't loose enthusiasm. Are you enthusiastically committed to your goals, company, group or team?

Thursday, 2 August 2012


"What you sow is what you reap."
This of course is not about corn or beans or wheat. It's about life in general. If parents don't spend time with their kids when they are young- teaching them right from wrong and listening to their thoughts and dreams- they can't expect to have good relationships with them later in life. They can't count on their kids to make sound decisions, either. So, what you sow is what you reap.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

TODAY's FABLE- Wolf & The Shepherd

 Once upon a time a Wolf resolved to disguise his nature by his habit, so that he might get food without stint. Encased in the skin of a sheep, he pastured with the flock, beguiling the shepherd by his artifice. In the evening he was shut up by the shepherd in the fold; the gate was closed, and the entrance made thoroughly secure. The shepherd, coming into the fold during the night to provide food for the morrow, caught up the Wolf, instead of a sheep, and killed him with his knife in the fold.
Harm seek, harm found.


For one, most people believe that success precedes happiness. “Once I get a promotion, I’ll be happy,” they think. Or, “Once I hit my sales target, I’ll feel great.” But because success is a moving target—as soon as you hit your target, you raise it again."The happiness that results from success is fleeting. The success that results from happiness is permanent."


 The happiness that results from success is fleeting. The success that results from happiness is permanent.

TODAY's FABLE- Ants & A Grasshopper

 The Ants were employing a fine winter's day in drying grain collected in the summer-time. A grasshopper, perishing with famine, passed by and earnestly begged for a little food. The Ants enquired of him, "Why did you not treasure up food during the summer?" He replied, "I had not leisure enough. I passed the days in singing." They then said in derision; "If you were foolish enough to sing all the summer, you must dance supperless to bed in the winter.


Angry Army Officers talking to their wives: "What the hell do I need a Life Insurance Policy for? Did you get my permission before signing up for me, before spending my hard earned money. Do you know how I make my money? I risk my life."

Officer A Wife's Response: What sort of a man are you? Who takes care of your children, wife when you go for combat and don't return? Is your family, your children's future not important to you?

Officer B Wife's Response: Darling, I know you've hard a rough day but what I did was for our good and that of the children. Please don't make me feel bad about spending my husband's money.

Officer C Wife's Response: Do you even know what Life Insurance Policy means? What I'm doing here is to help your children's future and you are here screaming at me like a wild animal. Your children can't have another father, except a surrogate one.

Which way would you have responded as a wife and why?
Whom would you love to have as a wife among them if you are a man and why?

Tuesday, 31 July 2012


 A Fisherman skilled in music took his flute and his nets to the sea-shore. Standing on a projecting rock he played several times, in the hope that the fish, attracted by his melody, would on their own accord dance into his net, which he had placed below. At last, having long waited in vain, he laid aside his flute, and, casting his net into the sea, made an excellent haul of fish. When he saw them leaping about in the net upon the rock, he said; "o you most perverse creatures, when I piped you would not dance, but now that I have ceased you do so merrily."
What have you learnt from this riddle? Comment pls.


 Few years ago, I read a book that changed my life, I really can't recall the title but I learnt that "my circle of influence will determine my affluence". So, many times I have had to change my circle of friends, reason being that "friendship thrives on equality". If you remain in a place you have outgrown, you will soon become irrelevant. Once I know I have outgrown a stage of life, I move on. But I make it a principle to always keep in touch with my root because they have contributed to my growth. Learn, grow and change.

Monday, 30 July 2012


 It is true that you can't get things done without confidence. I have discovered that whenever I'm confident of a topic, I deliver at my best than when I'm not. I get things done when I'm confident than when I'm not. The secret to building confidence to succeed in any task is the same anywhere, it is knowledge. How knowledgeable you are in your chosen endeavour will determine your success in it. It is preparation that births knowledge and knowledge in-turn births confidence. If you would know more, you could become more. Try it today, it works.


I was born in a wealthy home, but did not grow up to enjoy what wealth meant because as at the time I grew to know life, I was already in a village with my granny attending "J'elosimi" (kindergarten). When I came back to join my mom in the city, she was living separately from dad. By the time they re-united, dad still had not recovered from the old habit that swept away his wealth,which was drug addiction. This dark area of his life affected a chunk part of my life and that of my siblings. But I have chosen never to blame any other person for my short-comings in life but myself.


Something happened today and I just feel like sharing it for everyone to learn from. I expected a blessing from a source(man) but eventually it didn't come. Was I frustrated? Was I mad at him? Was I disappointed? Yes I was disappointed but not frustrated and definitely not mad at him. Why? Because I've learnt that "when people fail to help you, they help you believe in yourself". One of my favourite quotes is "the help a man needs is at the end of his own sleeve". May I tell you that what you need to succeed is not that which is in the hands of others, but that which is in your hands.


Something happened today and I just feel like sharing it for everyone to learn from. I expected a blessing from a source(man) but eventually it didn't come. Was I frustrated? Was I mad at him? Was I disappointed? Yes I was disappointed but not frustrated and definitely not mad at him. Why? Because I've learnt that "when people fail to help you, they help you believe in yourself". One of my favourite quote is "the help a man needs is at the end of his own sleeve". May I tell you that what you need to succeed is not that which is in the hands of others, but that which is in your hands.


 Twice I have been delivered from death. First from electrocution; second from gasly accident. It was just my bus(write-off) and a bridge. How I got out of the two incidents without much injury still remains a mystery. But there's something common I've noticed about the two incidents and that is the presence of a "higher power". If at one time or the other you have been delivered from incidents that has claimed others' lives, then it is for a purpose. And that purpose is to be useful for God. But when you refuse, he will leave you to the destroyer.

Thursday, 26 July 2012


 Heaven & Hell by Rev. Park, Yong Gyu.
"A must read for every Believer who wants to make Heaven"

Heaven & Hell (A thousand to one)
Christian in Hell


The Almighty God is at work in the world preparing His Church to receive His glorious Son Jesus Christ. The twenty-first century has witnessed unprecedented manifestations of the spiritual realm and indeed, revelations of the. Existence and realities of heaven and hell. Several authors have documented their visits to Heaven and Hell. Some of these revelations occurred several centuries ago yet there appears to be an injection of new urgency by the Lord. The torrents of revelations on these subjects; Heaven, Hell and Rapture of the saints continue to increase in volume with every passing day. Notable accounts of these experiences can be found in the works of John Bunyan, Mary K. Baxter, Bill Wiese who spent 23 minutes in hell; Don Pipper, Choo Nam Thomas, Anna Rountree, Jesse Duplantis and Bishop Earthquake Kelley amongst others. Back home in Nigeria, some of you may have read or heard about the accounts of Pa Akindayomi (Founder of The Redeemed Christian Church of God), Augustine Chidozie, Ikechukwu Chukwugbo, and recently Daniel Ekechukwu, who all died, visited Heaven and some of them even Hell but were permitted to come back to life.

Despite the credible support given by the scriptures to these events, there are many who scoff at these accounts. They insist that no one has ever seen Hell or Heaven. Many go to the lenght of denying that Hell exists. Surprisingly, some of those who deny the reality of Hell are "ministers" of the gospel. To the stark believer, scoffing at this testimony will not be surprising. The natural mind is hostile to God. 1Cor2:14 says "the man without the spirit does not accept the things that comes from the spirit of God,...". Whether we believe it or not, the Word of God is ever true, unchanging for all generations. 2cor12:2-4 says " I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, whether in the body, I cannot tell;....".
Pat Akem Vingir

HEAVEN & HELL (A Thousand To One)

In 1987, Rev. Park had died from high blood pressure. But by the grace of God, his life was extended for another 20 years. However, for the first four years, he was not able to speak due to his condition. He was about 50 years old when he had come back to life. During his death, the Lord showed him to Heaven & Hell.

I want you to know that if you are arrogant and prideful, you will bring curses upon yourself. I had a mega Church of 5000 members but I was struck down by God due to my arrogance. Now I fear God (James 4:6).

I used to own property worth about $150million. I owned 5 luxury cars. But after my death experience, I gave it all away. Please remember, salvation cannot be achieved by your possessions but through Faith. And now I plead to the Deacons, elders, and the other leaders in their churches to serve your Pastors with all your heart.

On December 19, 1987, after I had finished my lunch and while I was resting , I began to feel excriuciating pain, it was so unbearable that I felt as though I was going to die. Then I lost consciousness. I woke up four months later in a vegetated state, and my doctor told me that I would eventually die. All my body parts were mangled very badly from the paralysis. And my family had never allowed any of the Church members to visit due to my horrible appearance. Then I finally died.

When I died, I saw two people enter my room. But these people had entered into my room through the wall. I screamed, "Who, Who are you!! My house will crumble down if you do that!! Then one said, we are angels descended from Heaven. We are from God's kingdom". A brilliant light shinned from the Angels.

The angel to my right introduced himself. "I run errand for Jesus in His Kingdom. Jesus called me and commanded me to go down to the Earth. He commanded me to take you to Heaven. You are dead. But since your family cries out with so much sadness, He desires to grant you a little more time to live. But for now, He desires to show you Heaven and Hell. He will show you and you will witness to the people of the Earth. May the number of people who end up in Hell be decreased and the number of people going to Heaven increase through your testimony. This will be your mission. God instructed us to tell you not to delay. If you delay, you will not be able to visit Heaven and Hell".

Then the angel to my left said, "the moment you were born and until the moment you had died, I had been with you". At that time, I did not understand what the angel had meant. Now I know, he was my guardian angel. So I said, "I cannot go! I will not go! I am a pastor! I cannot meet the Lord in this physical condition. I want to see Him as a healthy person. I would probably be receiving more rebukes than compliments from the Lord. I am prideful and arrogant and now I am cursed and sick. How am I able to enter Heaven? I am so scared. Please go back to Heaven and ask the Lord to heal me. Then come back and take me to Heaven through my dream. Plkease ask for mercy on my behalf".

But the angels were not listening to my arguments. They took my clothes off and said that they were too filthy to be wearing in Heaven. They then clothed me in a white gown (Zech3:4).

They grabbed my hands and we flew straight up to Heaven. We flew through the clouds and as I looked down, I saw the Earth becoming smaller. They let me go near an endless Golden Street. I saw a brilliant shinning light, too bright to look directly at. I said "where is the light coming from?". It is from Heaven" the angel responded.
I thought, "wow! It is huge!". I saw groups of people in white gowns flying ahead. "Who are they?". I asked. The angel replied, "they are the ones who had served God faithfully and trusted in Jesus by obeying and following the lead of the Holy Spirit with all their hearts. Their bodies are dead on Earth. They are now the souls heading towards Heaven."

The other angel continued, "there are twelve gates in Heaven. When a saved soul comes to Heaven, they must enter through one of those gates". We were standing in the South gate but it was closed. As we were waiting, I asked the angel, "Angels, why is this gate not opening?". The angel replied, "it is because you are not singing the Heavenly worship song". (Psalms100:4).

I asked again, "Angels, I was very prideful and arrogant and as a result I was cursed with sickneess. I am not good at singing Earthly worship songs. How am I able to sing Heavenly worship songs when I had never heard it before.

The angel replied, "you are correct. But you must still prepare yourself to worship. You are a prideful person but prepare to sing". The angels began to sing. As they sang, I began to sing with them. It became natural to me, and we entered in.

The scene of Heaven was indescribable. I can't describe Heaven with my Earthly words. I said, "Lord! Thank you so much! Even though, I was very prideful and arrogant and cursed with a sickness, You have still brought me to Heaven to show me around".

I then heard the voice of God, "My beloved Pastor Park, Yong Gyu, I welcome you. You have made a long journey here". His voice was overflowing with love and tenderness.
I replied back crying in tears, Lord,....". The angels immediately said, "you have been a pastor for 20 years. Do you not know your scriptures? There are no tears in Heaven. Please stop it!" I was not even able to cry. (Rev21:4).

The Lord then asked me five questions.
1. How much time did you spend reading the (word) bible?
2. How much did you give of offerings?
3. How many times have you evangelised to people?
4. Did you tithe properly?
5. How much time did you spend in prayer?".

I could not answer the fifth question. The Lord rebuked me for the fifth question.

"After you had become a mega church pastor, you had become very lazy with prayer. Being busy is no excuse to Me!". I had to repent of it later. "The angels will show you many places in Heaven and of Hell. Look around as much as you desire. You will leave after witnessing many different places in Heaven and Hell". But the Lord did not allow me to see His appearance.

The angel first took me to 3 different places in Heaven. In the first place, I saw little children living together.

The second place was where the adults lived.

The third place was where the souls had barely made it to Heaven. Even though they made it to Heaven, they made it shamefully.

Many people had asked me how old the little children were. They appeared like kindergatens. They were not the little boys and girls as we would know of gender. Each child had their own baby angel to accompany them.

In Heaven, most of the souls will have their own individual home (John14:2). However, there were some who did not have homes. I will explain this later. Moreover, the children did not have their own individual homes either. I asked, "The children were also souls, why do they not have their own homes?".

The angel replied, "Just as the people on Earth require materials to build their homes, we in Heaven also need materials to build here. When a person serves the church and others faithfully unto the Lord, those deeds will become materials for a person's home in Heaven.

When the materials are provided, the angels assigned to build a saint's home will go to work on constructing it. The children who are below the accountability age have not built up any material to build a home. In other words, they did not have the time or chance to earn their rewards/materials. This is why they do not have homes".

I continued with my questions, "What shall I do on Earth to provide more materials for my home?".
The angels replied, There are seven things one must do to build up their materials to build their home.
1. Your accumulation of worship and praise to God.
2. Time spent reading the bible.
3. Time spent praying.
4. Time spent evangelizing to people.
5. Your offering to the Lord.
6. Obedient in tithe paying to God.
7. Time spent serving the church in any way.
These are deeds or works of obedience in which one accumulates materials for their Heavenly home. If one is lacking in these areas, they will have no materials to build their home".

There were numerous people in Heaven without homes. Many who did not have homes were actually pastors, deacons, deaconesses, elders, etc. I asked out of curiosty, "Where do the children live then?".
The angels replied, "They live here". As I looked around, they were gathered throughout the garden of flowers. The gardenof flowers was so beautiful and the fragrance was out of this world.
The scene was beyond what I could describe with words.

The second place was for faithful adults. There is a difference between salvation and rewards. This place had so many homes. The homes were built with beautiful gems and rare stones. Some of the homes were as high as the highest skyscrapers on Earth. Those people who had faithfully served the Lord while living on Earth had their homes built with beautiful gem and rare stones. In this particular place, all the people looked around the age of 20 to 30 years old. There were no men or women in regards to gender. There are no sick, old, or lame people.

I once knew an elder, named Oh Im Myung. He had died at the age of 65 years old. He was a very short man, as tall as 2nd graders in elementary school. He had suffered from a rare disease called rickets. However, when it came to the bible, he was a PHD. He had written many commentaries. I met him in Heaven, and there he was tall. And handsome. He was no longer sick but healthy. Heaven is a very wonderful place!! I am so full of expectations! Please believe what I am saying beloved people.

The third place was for those who were shamefully saved (1Cor3:15). This particular village was enormous in size, several times bigger than the second place, where the homes were made of gems and rare stones. I arrived at this place at great speed, riding a golden chariot. It was very far from the other beautiful places I saw in Heaven.

I asked the angels, "I see great wilderness and fields. Why do I not see homes?". The angel replied, "what you are seeing are homes".

I saw huge wide flat houses, which reminded me of a large chicken coop or some type of warehouse. These homes were not glorious, but shabby. This village and homes were for the souls who were shamefully saved. There were numerous large sized shabby looking homes. This village is several times bigger than the place where rewarded souls reside.

The angel said, "Do you see the two large homes, one to your right and one to your left? I answered, "Yes, I do see them".
The angel said that he wanted to show me those two houses specifically. He said, "The right home is for those who were pastors on the Earth. The left home is for those who were elders on the Earth". As we arrived to the front of the two homes, I noticed they were humongous. My jaw dropped. When we opened the door and entered, my first impression was, chicken coop?
Instead of thousands of chickens living in their coop, I saw souls. The angels advised me to observe very carefully because I would recognize from history. I specifically picked out one pastor and asked the angel, I know that Korean pastor! I know how famous he was and the work he had done for the Lord. Why is he here? I do not understand".
The angel answered, "He never provided any building materials for his home. This is why he is living in a community home".

I asked out of curiosity, "How did this happen? Why did he not have any materials?". The angel answered, "While he was a pastor performing the function as a pastor, he had loved to be complimented by the people. He had loved to be honoured. He had loved to be served. There was no sacrifice and servitude on his part". This particular pastor was greatly honoured in Korea and he's an icon within the Korean Christian history. But he had no reward.

You pastors out there, pls listen! You have to lead the people to more than just Sunday morning services. You must visit them in their homes. You must take care of the poor, the lame and old. The pastors who have served without sacrificing their lives and loved to be honoured have no reward in Heaven (Matt 23:5-12).

After I had witnessed this scene in Heaven and after I had come back to the Earth, I immediately gave all of my possessions away including my five luxury vehicles. Our life is but a moment. In the bible, the average life is about 70 to 80 years old. But it is only God who knows when a person will die. Anyone can die before the age of 70 or 80 years old. I had decided to give everything away, even my clothes. The people I saw had received salvation in shame. They were pastors, elders, deacons, and lay believers. They were multitudes of elders and deacons in this flat shabby home. But of course, it is much better than Hell.

However, why would anyone want to enter Heaven in such a way? I will not end up in that shameful place. Their clothes were even shabby.

What are the requirements for Christians to receive such beautiful homes in Heaven? First, we have to evangelize to as many people as possible. How should we evangelize? The angel told me, "Assume there is an unbeliever who does not know the Lord. The moment you decide to evangelize to that particular person, the building materials for your homes will be provided. As you unceasingly pray for their salvation, more building materials are provided. You must continue to check up on them, visiting them and continue your evangelizing. This will add more materials to your home. If a person says he/she cannot make it to church because they do not have nice clothes, then you must provide them with some. If the person says he/she does not have a bible, you must provide one. If a person says he/she does not have glasses to read, you must provide it for them. You must provide whatever you are able to, so this person can be led to the Lord. Those who live in the best homes are those who had evangelized many times".

The angel then escorted me to the place where the saints lived in nice homes. This is where saints who had evangelized much lived. It felt like downtown Heaven.

In Christian history, there are four people who have the biggest and most beautiful homes. The angel showed me the home of American evangelist D.L. Moody, British Pastor John Wesley, an Italian evangelist, and Korean Evangelist Pastor Choi, Gun Nung. These four people have the largest homes in Heaven. These four had spent their whole lives evangelizing to people even through up to the time of their deaths.

Within the Korean believers, there was a lay believer who had a large home. This lay believer had built many church buildings with all his possessions. He had given three thousand bags of rice to the poor. He secretly helped thousands of pastors and leaders with their finance. He helped students studying theology or in bible school with their tuition. He had also taken in a pastor (65years old) into his home and took good care of him. His own church had kicked him out.

I heard an angel shout, "The materials are coming!". I questioned the angel to my right about the materials and he told me, "These materials are for a deaconess from a small church who is from the country. In fact, she receives materials everyday. Even though she is poor, she comes to early morning service each day. She prays for 87 church members daily. When she finishes praying, she cleans up the church".

I heard another angel shout, "Special delivery! The daughter of the deaconess has given what little money she had to her mother. However, the deaconess did not spend it on herself. She bought five eggs and two pairs of socks for the church pastor. Even though it may appear to be a small offering,she had given all she had for the day. This became special materials for her home in Heaven".

Second, those who also have a large home are those whi have built church buildings or other buildings for Kingdom purpose with their possessions and resources.

In Heaven, I also met an elder named Choi. Among all the Korean elders and deacons who are in Heaven, he had the most beautiful home. His home was much higher than the tallest building in Korea. Choi had built manu churches in Korea with his wealth.

I asked the angel, "How about my house? Is it in the process of being built? The angel said, "Yes it is". I begged to see my house. But they told me it was not allowed. I continued to beg and after some persisitent begging, the angels said the Lord will not allow it.

We entered the chariot and traveled far to another place. I was full of expectation. I asked, "Where is my house?". The angel replied, it is over there!". But it looked as though the place was only a foundation, only ready for development. I cried out, "How could you do this to me? How could this be happening? How can my house be in a developing zone? Surviving the Korean war, I sold my only home to build a church. This church eventually grew to five thousand members. I wrote many books inspired by the Holy Spirit. One book became a best seller. With the proceeds from the books, I built christian schools. The school birthed 240 pastors. During my tenure as the dean, I had given out over 400 scholarships to over 400 poor children. I have built homes for the widows to live in. This all cost huge amount of money. So how could this be? Why is my home in a land development? I am so upset!".

The angel replied sternly, "You do not deserve to live in such a beautiful nice home in Heaven because you have been honoured by people countless times. Every time you had built or done something good, you were praised by people. You were even honoured by the secular news. Therefore, all your works are in vain (Matt6:1).

I looked at my home in the development zone. It was located in the middle of three other homes. It only had three stories. The house had many small rooms on the first two floors. I asked the angel, "Why do I have such small rooms?" The angel answered, "These rooms are for your sons and daughters".

"I only have four children". I replied. The angel responded, "No, they are not for your Earthly children, but for the ones you had evangelized and are saved". I loved it! I asked, "Where is my master bedroom?". The angel said that it was on the roof. That bothered me. My room was not even finished. I'm an angry tone I said, "It is too small! Why is it so difficult to finish?". The angel replied, You are not even dead. We cannot finish you home or rooms because we do not know if more materials will be provided. Do you understand?".

When we entered my room, I saw two certificates hanging on my wall, so I went to read them. The first certificate described when I was 18 years old living In an orphanage. On Christmas day, I was on my way back to early morning church service. I had seen an elderly man shivering on the street. I took my jacket off and gave it to him. That deed had given me a reward in Heaven. The second certificate described the same incident but it was for buying some bread with the little money I had for the elderly man. The amount is not the issue. The act must be accompanied by genuine faith. The dollar amount has no significance.

We left the place and headed back out. During the ride, one of the angels asked, "Are you sad? I will tell you how to have a beautiful home built. The Lord said when you go back to the Earth, you must go to tell the people about Heaven and Hell as you have witnessed. Second, the Lord desires you to build a place to gather elderly female pastors and evangelists who do not have places to go or live.
If you truly faithfully do these things, you will have a beautiful home".


The two angels escorted me to Hell. They said, "Now you will visit Hell". You have no idea the enormity of Hell. I kept shouting, "it is so big! It is so big!". This is the place where souls who are cursed and receive eternal damnation are placed. It felt like Hell was coloured red and the other half was pitch dark black. I asked the angels, "Why is this part red?".
The angels replied, "Do you not know? It is burning sulphur. The other half is darkness. When people sin and end up here, they will be tormented from both sides... There are multitudes of churches on the Earth and many of the churches are filled with many people.
However, most of them are not true christians. They are but church attendants. The true churches will firmly believe in Heaven and a Hell. The lives of many christians are in chaos because they do not firmly believe in Heaven and Hell. When one soul enters Heaven, one thousand cursed souls enter Hell. The rate of Heaven and Hell is 1 to 1000 (Matt7:14)".

I am a presbyterian pastor and a well-known speaker. I have graduated from one of the largest theological school in Korea. I never believed those Heaven and Hell stories. But now, I am one who writes such experiences to testify to others. Although you may believe you are a christian, if you live your life according to the will of demons, you will end up in Hell.

The first I saw was a place of burning sulphur. You can't even imagine how hot the fires of Hell are. No one can bear the intense heat.

People In Hell Say Three Statements.
•First, it is too hot and they feel like dying (Lk16:24).
•Second, they are so thirsty and feel like dying.
•Third, you will hear many asking for water (Zech9:11).

It is eternal! Many people say we are free in Christ and they live their lives as they desire. I asked the angel, "Those who are in here, what have they done?". The angel answered, "The first group is unbelievers". Those who had not evangelized to their own family must repent!
the angel continued, "The second group is those who believed in Jesus, but did not repent of their sins". We must repent of our sins and must confess to the Lord. We must not sin. Just giving lip service is not repenting. With a contrite and earnest heart, we must repent!


I then saw pastors, elders, and deacons in Hell. I asked the angel, "I know them. They had served God faithfully while on the Earth. They had died some time ago. We all had thought they were in Heaven with God. But now, I see them all in Hell and they are crying out that it is so hot! Why are they here?". There were so many pastors, elders, deacons and all other lay believers.

The angel answered, "pastor Park Yong Gyu, a person can appear to be a true follower of Christ on the outside but God's the heart.

•They did not keep Sundays holy. In fact, they had loved to make money on Sundays (Jer17:27)
•Many of the deacons and elders had criticized the sermon of their pastors (ps105:15; Num12:8-9)
•They did not tithe properly (Mal 3:9)
•They did not pray.
•They had not evangelized to people at all (Eze33:6)
•Many of these elders and deacons had harassed their pastors and would come against their authority. They had interefered with the pastor's duty and business (Num16)
•On their death beds, they thought they had done a good job so they did not repent of those things. This is why they were thrown in the fires of Hell".

I then saw a king and a prince who had first persecuted Christians in Korea. This king and prince beheaded many of the first believers in Korea. They were placed in the center, which was the hottest place of all. I also saw Hiltler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, and a famous pastor from North Korea named Pastor Kang, and a famous japanese hero, and many more.

Then we arrived at an extremely dark place, too dart to see where to step. I shouted, "Angels! Angels! It is so dark! How can I see anything?". The angels patted my shoulder and said, "Just wait a little bit".

Within a few moments, I was able to see a countless number of naked people. All of them had insects crawling all over their bodies. Not an inch was spared as their whole bodies were completely covered with insects.
The naked people attempted to drive the insects away gnashing their teeth. I asked, "What did these people do as they lived on Earth? They are those who criticized and back stabbed each other. They were not careful of what they had said to one another (Matt5:22).

I saw the demons piercing and stabbing the stomachs of people with sickles. Their screams were unbearable to me. I asked my escort, "Angels, what did these people do as they had lived on the Earth? These people had jobs, houses, and families but they sis not give to God. They did not help the poor, their churches, or other Godly purposes. They were very stingy and greedy. Even as they encountered the poor, they ignored them and did not care. They only cared for themselves and their families. They were well clothed, fed and had a comfortable life. This is why their stomachs are pierced for their bellies were full of greed (prov28:27).

It was a very frightening scene. After witnessing such a scene, when I got back to Earth, I gave all my money and possessions to others. Salvation cannot be earned with money or property. It is by faith. Hell is an unbearable and miserable place. It is eternal torment.

I also was people who had their heads hacked off by a very sharp saw. I asked the angel, "What did these people do to deserve such awful torment?" The angel replied, "Their brains were given by God to think good and beneficial things. But these people had thought of filthy things. They thought of lustful things (Matt5:28)

Next, I saw people being stabbed and cut into pieces. The sight was horrible. I asked, "What about these people? What didi they do to be tormented in such a way?". The angel replied, "These were elders and deacons who did not serve their churches. In fact, they did not even want to work or serve! The only thing they had loved were to receive and receive from the flock (Zech11:7, Hosea6:5)

I saw the elders, deacons and other lay believers tormented by the demons. The demons made a hole in their tongues and placed wires through the tongues of one another. The the demons dragged the people with the wire. I asked again, "what did they do on Earth?" The angel answered, "They had committed four different types of sin.

First, they had criticized their pastors. They would speak negative things about their pastors. They were back biting and ridiculing their pastors (James 3:6, Matt12:37).

I plead with those who have committed such act to REPENT, REPENT!!

The angel continued, "Second, they insulted the church with their words. They had harassed other Christians to the point where even the faithful ones were affected and they stopped attending church and even cause some to stop believing. They did all they could to stop faithful Christians from doing God's work. These wicked ones caused many faithful to stumble. Lastly, there are spouses who drank alcohol and were abusive to their family members".

I saw demons piercing men and women in their stomachs with a very huge sharp nail. I asked, "What did they do?". The angel replied, "These are men and women who had lived with one another but were not married. These are guilty of abortions as they also got pregnant. They had never repented".

I saw another group of people. The demons were slicing their lips as if one thinly slicing meat or vegetables. I asked, "Why are these people tormented in such a way?" The angel said, "These are sons, daughters, son in laws and daughter in laws who had talked back to their parents. All they had to do was say "I'm sorry" instead of making this worse. Many of them had used abusive language. They had attacked their parents with harsh language. They were rebellious. This is why their lips are being sliced".

Brethren, we are all going to die one day, but we don't know when that will be. Please be prepared. Being prepared is to go to Heaven. When we go is not the issue. Please forgive each other as frequently as necessary if you need to. Repent and repent and do it all day long if you have to.

My beloved brethren, I used to ignore such testimonies. I was a conservative Presbyterian pastor who ignored such things. But now, I must witness and testify to you what I have seen. Please do not hesitate to live a holy life. Please avoid this miserable torment and judgment. Be saved! Do not live for your flesh but submit to the kingdom of God. Please pray for those who do not know Jesus. Evangelize and bear fruit. Please pray early in the morning and keep Sundays. Please tithe to the Lord properly. Accumulate your rewards in Heaven and not in this Earth. I pray and bless you in the Almighty Name of JESUS.

Monday, 16 July 2012



Did you know that millions of working class people go through life in poverty and want because they failed to imbibe the habit of saving?

I have discovered that no employer or employee can do his/her best work, express himself/herself in terms that command respect, create or carry out a definite purpose in life with heavy debts hanging over his/her head as a result of poor saving habit.

When you invite me to speak on this, you will learn:

*How to systematically lay aside a definite amount of all your earnings.
*How to increase your earnings.
*How to not be enslaved by debt.
*How to attain financial independence.

Your organization or group deserve to reach the top. The first step is: taking action to do so. I am committed to your success.

Contact Matthew Onalaja on +2348179968221, +2347040629588,; Twitter(@honourlaja); Facebook(Onalaja Ademola)



Did you know that the greatest obstacle to success in adult life is the fair of failure?

I have prepared a special packaged teaching for you to help you build unshakeable self-esteem, overcome fears and achieve everything you set your mind to.

When you invite me to speak on this, you will learn:

*How to overcome fears and achieve your goals with self-confidence.
*How to develop the right mental attitude to live a successful life.
*How to improve your thought life and its relationship with your actions.

Your organization or group deserve to reach the top. The first step is: taking action to do so. I am committed to your success.

Contact Matthew Onalaja on +2348179968221, +2347040629588,; Twitter(@honourlaja); Facebook(Onalaja Ademola)



Did you know that you can either use your imagination to scare yourself to death or inspire yourself to life?

I have discovered that every innovation in life began in someone's mind.
I have also discovered how they stimulated their minds to conceive new ideas and developed new plans that helped them attained the object of their purpose.

When you invite me to speak on this subject, you will learn:

*How to use your mental energy for superficial accomplishment.
*How to stimulate your mind to become creative and innovative.
*How to brainstorm with the end in mind and create for yourself a desired end.

Your organization or group deserve to reach the top. The first step is: taking action to do so. I am committed to your success.

Contact Matthew Onalaja on +2348179968221, +2347040629588,; Twitter(@honourlaja); Facebook(Onalaja Ademola)



Did you know that the greatest treasure to discover here on planet Earth is not Gold but PURPOSE?

Several times, man is limited from spectacular achievements because of set standards, professional advise or existing records.

Never be in a hurry to dismiss that dream of yours as being impossible. Some that have tried it before may tell you it is not possible; they might be more intelligent, resourceful and experienced than you are but that doesn’t mean you should not give it a shot.

There are individuals who went on to achieve “impossible” feats despite the odds, due to the power of definite purpose:

I have discovered how these individuals developed their PURPOSE. When you invite me to speak on this my discovery, you will learn:

*How not to limit yourself by the opinion of others who didn't belief in you.
*How to create that exciting feelings that will inspire you to aim higher in life.
*How not to delay your own success because of negative mental attitude.

Your organization or group deserve to reach the top. The first step is: taking action to do so. I am committed to your success.

Contact Matthew Onalaja on +2348179968221, +2347040629588,; Twitter(@honourlaja); Facebook(Onalaja Ademola)



Did you know that newspapers are full of articles explaining how to live on such-and-such a sum? Yet no article on "How To Live Within 24 Hours A Day".

And it has been said that time is money but that is an understatement because time is a great deal more than money.

I have developed a product that will make anyone not only exist within the 24hours but live productively and become a better person in service, ministry, calling or lifework.

When you invite me to speak on this product, you will learn the following:

*How to quit feeling like you are working aimlessly, and create a sense of purpose to propel you forward.
*How an average person in your organization can perform at a superior level.
*How to deal with negative emotions before it expands into your work life.
*How to develop a system for producing change agents in your organization.

Your organization deserve to reach the top. The first step is: taking action to do so. I am committed to your organization's success.

Contact Matthew Onalaja on 08179968221, 07040629588,; Twitter(@honourlaja); Facebook(Onalaja Ademola)

Friday, 18 May 2012

Delete This Things And Re-write Your Story

You can limit yourself by the story you have created about you. Here are some sample examples of how the story we have created about ourselves can limit us:

I am not good at maths. I have never been able to dance. I am not a very good writer. I am very stubborn. I don't sleep well. I am very moody. I struggle with my weight. My English is not good. I am always late. I am not a very good driver. I can't see without my glasses. It is hard for me to make friends. Money seems to slip through my fingers.

The moment you become aware of what you are saying, you can delete these things and re-write your story!

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Is The Perception Of Others Your Reality?

A young school girl dotted her nose with black marker thinking her classmates will appreciate it and when she got to school she became the object of ridicule in her class. She felt so rejected that she broke down in tears. One of her friends who was touched by her shame also dotted her nose and told her not to cry over it and that she is with her. When the classmates saw her friend's confidence, they also joined in dotting their noses. During break period,the whole school also joined them in dotting their noses. The young school girl who started the trend became elated.

Lesson: Mark12:10 Never allow the perception of others to become your reality. When people can't do something themselves, they will tell you that you can't do it. Don't let anybody tell you that you can't do something, not even me.
How people treat you is their karma, how you respond is your karma.
There are two persons in your inside; the positive and the negative person, be careful who you listen to.
The only thing you can't do is that which you tell yourself you can't do. When you believe in yourself, you become more powerful. Most people seems to have a clear idea of how you should lead your life, but none about their own.

Contact Me On:
Facebook: Onalaja Ademola,
Twitter: @honourlaja
Phone no: 08159532647

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

 Traveling The Extra Mile

A 60 year man got a contract to build a house(storey-building) for a generous rich man. He used inferior materials and when he was done with the project, he handed over the house keys to the owner. The owner gave him the keys and said the house is his gift to him. After few years the building collapsed and killed his family members (his wife and four children).

Lesson: Heb 6:7-8, Matt 25:14-30. The only achievement that comes to you naturally in life is failure, when you don't make efforts to do more, be more, know more, think more, pray more, give more, try more or love more.

Traveling The Extra Mile by Onalaja Ademola

Contact Me:
Facebook: Onalaja Ademola,
Twitter: @honourlaja
Phone no: 08159532647

Are You Growing Through What You Are Going Through?

This is the success story of a woman I know. Out of thirteen children, she's the only surviving child of her mother. She suffered rejection from her mom; she vented the anger on her, thinking she was responsible for the death of others. She lived with uncles and she was constantly rejected by their wives and even got beaten severally but instead of that to make her wild, she learned forgiveness and she became a better person in life.

Life was not designed by God to be a party ground but a learning centre. That's why the book of proverbs said we learn in times of sorrow than in times of joy. Why is it that a lot of people go through certain things in life and when they come out of them, they come out a bitter person rather than a better person? Is it that they stopped learning?

Heb5:8 "Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered".

If you've stopped learning, you are as good as dead because you just stopped living. Learning is Living i.e. To live is to learn and to learn is to live. You are not meant to go through the thick's and thin's of life without the mind of becoming a better person. My question is, Are You Growing Through What You Are Going Through?
Contact: Facebook- Onalaja Ademola, Twitter- @honourlaja
Phone no: 08159532647

I will be glad to be part of your success by speaking in your workshop, convention, conference, seminar or your one-on-one-coach. Motivation for Success workbook is ready for you to start learning how success can be achieved from the inside-out

Thursday, 29 March 2012

  50 Inspiring Ideas To Overcome Unemployment:


1. Layout an employment plan with small manageable steps.
2. Apply for anything and everything even if the position isn't ideal.
3. Update your references on your situation, skills and accomplishment.
4. Staffing companies can help you find a job.
5. Don't let panic or stress take over your job search.
6. Ask for opinions on your resume.


7. Let your contacts know that you will offer a reward to whoever can land you a job.
8. Update your contact.
9. Tell everyone you are unemployed.
10. Practice your speech.
11. Use social networking.
12. Join or start a club or group.


13. Eat well.
14. Get some exercise to keep fit.
15. Learn to cook to save money.


16. Clean your house.
17. Plant a garden.
18. Fix things that need fixing.
19. Clear out your store and get rid or sell old stuff you don't need.


20. Buy less.
21. Track your spending.
22. Buy second hand items.
23. Pay essential bills first.
24. Discuss your situation with your creditors.
25. Learn to be frugal in spending.


26. Start a business.
27. Take odd jobs.
28. Take on a part time job.
29. Take on a volunteer work.


30. Socialize with people.
31. Practice public speaking.
32. Practice talking about yourself.
33. Keep your family updated.
34. Call at least a few people everyday.
35. Spend time with your family.


36. Practice relaxation.
37. Stick with happy people.
38. Focus on your positive side.
39. Be thankful.
40. Maintain balance in your disposition.
41. Reward yourself.


42. Travel to anywhere you like.
43. Embrace your hobbies.
44. Explore your city.
45. Create a job for yourself.
46. Get out of the house everyday.


47. Learn a new language.
48. Read wide.
49. Learn a new skill.
50. Go back to school.

Written by The Author of Motivation for Success: Matthew Onalaja

Friday, 23 March 2012


Great Achievers are Goal-setters. Then if you must become successful, you must set goals for your life.
What a soccer game would be without goal posts is what any life would become without a goal.
Goal-getters understand these 3 things:
1. They understand that success is impossible without SETTING RIGHT PRIORITIES:
Priority determines your value because what you value tops your priority list. Someone once said what you value determines your value. China Education system produces graduates who are entrepreneurs while a country like Nigeria produce graduates who are Job seekers. Another example is how Libyan Government enriches her people with her God-given resources- OIL&GAS while Nigerian Government impoverishes the citizens with hers.

2. They Understand That You Must MAKE PLANS:
A lot of people don't make plans because they either think it's a waste of time or are afraid of what the future holds for them, but you must make plans inorder to succeed. And if the goals seems impossible, don't change the goals, only adjust the action plans. Whatever is planned well is half done.
There's this story of the Dragon and the Treasure. Every one has a Treasure just as everyone has a Dragon. The Dragon guards the Treasure, so to claim your Treasure you must slay your Dragon. Your Dragon is your FEAR and your Treasure is a CREATIVE LEAP. Remember that Fear is Faith that something good won't happen.
3. They Understand That You Must BELIEVE IN YOURSELF:
To succeed in life, you must not only believe in yourself but must surround yourself with people who believe in you. People will talk you down if they know you have discovered the drive to succeed and won't even believe in your dreams. They will tell you words like: No one has ever done that! That's not possible! You can't earn a living off it! Remember STEVE JOBS, no one gave him a chance either.

Written By Author of Motivation for Success-