Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Are You Growing Through What You Are Going Through?

This is the success story of a woman I know. Out of thirteen children, she's the only surviving child of her mother. She suffered rejection from her mom; she vented the anger on her, thinking she was responsible for the death of others. She lived with uncles and she was constantly rejected by their wives and even got beaten severally but instead of that to make her wild, she learned forgiveness and she became a better person in life.

Life was not designed by God to be a party ground but a learning centre. That's why the book of proverbs said we learn in times of sorrow than in times of joy. Why is it that a lot of people go through certain things in life and when they come out of them, they come out a bitter person rather than a better person? Is it that they stopped learning?

Heb5:8 "Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered".

If you've stopped learning, you are as good as dead because you just stopped living. Learning is Living i.e. To live is to learn and to learn is to live. You are not meant to go through the thick's and thin's of life without the mind of becoming a better person. My question is, Are You Growing Through What You Are Going Through?
Contact: Facebook- Onalaja Ademola, Twitter- @honourlaja
Email- honourlaja@yahoo.com
Phone no: 08159532647

I will be glad to be part of your success by speaking in your workshop, convention, conference, seminar or your one-on-one-coach. Motivation for Success workbook is ready for you to start learning how success can be achieved from the inside-out

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