Monday 23 September 2013


Spread Your Wings And Let’s Learn How To Fly With The Eagles. As We Learn About The Characteristics (speed,strength,power,majesty,boldness,dependability,courage,tenderness,faithfulness,pride,ferocity,great daring,and dominance) Of The Eagles. Follow @honourlaja to tweet,mention and retweet or visit Send Us Quotes(Yours or Others) On The Subject, Share Your Views On Our Quotes, Share, Broadcast, Retweet, Like, Pin The Quotes You Find Inspiring To You. A Man caught an Eagle and kept it in confinement for 17 years. At last, having to move a distance, he advertised to sell all his goods at auction and that at the close of the sale he would liberate this old Eagle, captive for so long. People came from hundreds of miles to see the bird set free. The auction was over. Low cloud hung over the earth. The cage was opened but the Eagle did not move. His master called him. Still he stayed inside. At last the master pulled him out and with all his strength tried to push the bird toward the zenith. His great wings only spread to allow him settle back on the man’s shoulder. The man was not pleased. Just then there shot through the clouds a bright beam of sunshine, straight to the Eagle’s eye. And the Eagle rose as if by magnet towards the sources. Moral: once you catch the beam of purpose(sunshine)in your eye, once you catch the vision of the full potential of your life, then you will really begin to fly. 1.Eagles Are Magnificent Creatures. They Fare Without Fear. You Are A Rare Breed. What You Are Afraid Of Is Afraid Of You. 2.The Eagle Is One Of The Largest And Most Powerful Birds In The World. Your Choice Is Your Single Most Powerful Tool. 3.The Eagles Attack Animals Much Larger Than Them. Your Opposition In life Determines Your Position Or Reputation. There Are About 8,500 Species Of Birds In The World But There Are Only About 60 Species Of Eagles. People Of Excellence Are Rare. 4.Yet To Be Born Eagles Have Tooth On Their Beak To Break Out Of The Egg. If You Help It To Escape, It Will Not Survive. Life Is A Survival Of The Fittest. 5.Eaglets Have To Break Out Of The Egg Without Help. Even If You Are On The Right Track, You Will Get Run Over If You Just Sit There. 6.If An Eaglet Reluctantly Decides To Stay Put In The Nest The Parents May Withhold Food. You Need To Be Push-Off The Cliff Of Your Comfort Zone 7.If The Eaglet Parents Refuse To Bring Food To The Nest, Hunger Will Motivate The Eaglet To Take Its First Flight. God Uses Poverty To Motivate Us For Success. 8.The Parent Eagles Spend A Lot Of Time In Teaching Their Young To Fly. The Way To The Top Is To Seek Direction From Those Who Have Been There Severally. 9.The Parent Eagles Builds The Eaglets Nest With Sharp Stones, Thorns And Cover Them With Wool And Feathers. You Cannot Be Comfortable Being Comfortable. 10.Eaglets Nests Are Built With Thorns And Wool. You Cannot Reach For The Sky If You Don’t Leave The Safety Of The Harbour. 11.Eaglets Nests Are Built With Thorns And Wool. Seize Life Before Life Seizes You. 12.The Parent Eagles Will Continue To Push The Eaglets Until They Fly. Commit Yourself To Something Bigger Than You. It Will Change Your Life. 13.The Eagles Are Aerodynamic Flying Machine. They Can Remain Completely Motionless For Lengthy Period. You Are What You Do Best. 14.Eagles Soar Higher Than Practically Any Other Bird Alive. Don’t Just Be The Best, Be The Only One. 15.No Two Birds Like Eagle. They Regularly Intercept Airplanes At 25,000 Feet (5miles Above The surface Of The Earth). Raise Your Bars. 16.Two Birds Don’t Make An Eagle. An Altitude Of 12,000 Feet May Be Reached Within Minutes, Faster Than Airplanes. Dare To Be Different. 17.NTwo Birds Don’t Make An Eagle. The Eagles Can Withstand Current And Weather That Would Be Difficult For Man To Stand. 18.Eagles Visions Are 5times Stronger Than Man’s. What You Can Seize Depends On What You Can See. 19.Storms Or Thermal Current Provides The Power, The Lift To Enable Him To Soar Higher, Longer And Further. The Same Thing Challenges Are Meant To Achieve. 20.The Eagles Instinctively Knows When The Sun Rays Are Sufficient To Warm The Earth And Create The Thermal Current For Effortless Flight. Study Everything Needed For Your Success. 21.When The Day Ends And All Other Birds Are Tired And Exhausted, The Eagle Glides In For A Perfect Landing, Relaxed Poised And Tireless. Your Purpose Won’t Wear You Out. 22.Parrots Are Birds Too, They Talk Too Much But Fly Too Little. Say Less And Do More. Be Known For Result And Not Reason. 23.The Higher You Fly, The Farther You See. 24.Rather Than The Storm To Defeat The Eagle, The Eagle Uses The Force Of The Storm To Its Own Advantage. The Kite Only Flies when The Wind Is Against It. 25.An Eagle Does Not Fly Perfectly Without The Wind. Diamonds Are Not Polished Without Friction. You Cannot Become Perfect Without Trials. 26.Eagles Are Birds Of Light. They Hunt, Fly And Feed By Day. Make Hay While The Sun Shines. The Night Cometh When No Man Can Work. 27.Eagles Are Clean Birds. They Kill Their Own Prey. They Have Little Appetite For Decaying And Rotten Flesh. You Need To Have Standard And Not Settle For Rubbish. 28.Eagles Can Become Dirty Birds When Caged; Eat Rubbish,Ceases To Wash And Preen Itself,Moody And Bad Tempered. Don’t Send Your Eagles To Parrots’ School. 29.If You Desire To Soar With The Eagles, You Must Love Excellence And Shun Mediocrity Lifestyle. Be Original. Be You. 30.Don’t Send Your Eagle To Duck’s Academy. Ducks Feed On Dirts. Flock With Your Kind. The Way To Better Your Lot Is To Be A Lot Better. 31.If Your Eagle Keeps Company With Ducks, It Will Never Ascend To High Altitude. Your Association Can Also Be A Limitation. 32.Release Your Eagle To The Sky. You Will Never Know Your True Potentials Until You Start Operating In Your Area Of Competence. 33.Your Eagle May Not Glide Without The Sun. You Can Draw Strength From A Higher Power Source To Reach Greater Heights. 34.What You Feed Your Eagle With Will Determine What It Will Fly With. If You Feed Your Potentials With Dirts, It Will Find its Place Beneath Among Minors. 35.If Your Love For Your Eagle Will Not Allow You Release It, Its Death Will Come Sooner Than It Is Expected. 36.Eagles Take Delight In Storms. Challenges Are Created To Make And Not Mar You. 37.The Higher The Storm The Joyous The Eagles Become. Adversity Make Some To Break While It Makes Some To Break Record. 38.Eagles Don’t Run From Storms, They Run Into It. Challenges Are Opportunities In Disguise. 39.Eagles Live On Mountain Tops. Never Settle For Anything Less Than Excellence. 40.The Eagles Have Two Sets of Eyelids To Protect Their extremely Keen Sight From The Onrushing Air,Trees,Brushes,Sun And Prey. Keep Your Focus Clean. 41.The Eagle Sights With Great Accuracy. It Can Detect A Tiny Field Mouse From Hundreds Of Feet Above The Ground. Sharpen Your Focus. 42.Eagles Visions Are Not Fully Developed At Birth But Developed With Maturity. A Dynamic Life Is Always Fired By Vision. 43.Eagles Possess The Ability To Distinguish Colours With Far Greater Clarity Than Humans. To Become More, You Must Be More. 44.An Eagle’s Eyes Are Set Far Apart On Each Side Of Its Head, To Judge Distance Quickly And Accurately Before Disaster Strikes. You Will perish Without Accurate Vision. 45.Once The Prey Is Located, The Eagle Develops Singleness of Mind And Purpose. Avoid Distractions And Keep Your Dreams Before You Always. 46.When An Eagle Is On The Attack, It Does Not Have Time For Other Things. Have A Sense Of Urgency. Whatever Is Worth Doing, Is Worth Doing Now. 47.An Eagle Nest Can Be So Huge That It Will Support Two Grown Men. Kings Lives In Palaces. Create Your Own Life. 48.You Can Never See An Uncompleted Eagles Nest. It Is Not Enough To Start Well, Work Harder To End Well. 49.Eagles Dive And Zoom Through The Clouds For The Sheer Joy And Pleasure Of It. Sense Of Humour Is A Great Armour. 50.Eagles Swoop In Mock Attack On Birds And Animals Sending Them Scurrying For Cover With No Intention Of Attacking Them. Happiness Is Not In Things, It’s In You. 51.The Male Eagle Never Takes His Mate For Granted But Continues To Court Her For The Rest Of Her Life. Court Your Partner Every Time. 52.The Male And Female Eagles Dive In A BreathTaking Display of Power And Agility. Make Your Partner Your Playmate And Not Just Bed Mate. 53.The Female May Carry A Stick High Into The Air And Drop It. The Male Will Respond By Diving And Retrieving It. Back Your Love With Action. 54.A Mated Couple(Eagles) Rarely Fight And Will Join Together In The Face Of Adversity, Threat And Danger. Couples Who Plays Together Stays Together. 55.Besides Being Lovers And Parents, They Are Friends- Happy In Each Other’s Company. When Sex Don’t Appeal To A Partner, Friendship Will Stoke The Fire Of Love. 56.The Male Eagle Will Also Help With Much Of The Housework Like Hunting For Food, Feeding, Babysitting And Caring Of The Young. Be A Help Mate. 57.Eagles Also Go To Great Lengths To protect And Educate Their Young Ones. They Raise Their Eaglets In Secure And Serene Environment. Your Kids Are Your Future Asset, Invest In Them Richly. 58.Serpents Are The Main Enemies Of The Young Eagles Yet The Parent Eagle Is Fearless, Unafraid And Wise In Attacking It. They Risk Their Lives For Their Young Ones. 59.Eagles Will Never Bow To Pressure, Adversity. The Eagles Never Begs Bread. Never You Allow Yourself To Be Intimidated. Don’t Be Timid. 60.Eagles Have The Ability To Clasp Onto Their Prey With Incredible Power And Force. Very Few creatures Escape. Don’t Give Up Too Soon. 61.Once The Eagles Locks Its Powerful Talons Onto Its Prey Nothing Can Prise Them Loose. Fight Like An Eagle. 62.Fishes Have Been Washed Ashore With The Dead Body Of An Eagle Still Attached Because The Fish Is Too Heavy And Are Dragged Beneath The Water To Its Death. Not Over Until It’s Over. 63.With Age The Eagle Become Somewhat Slower In Flight;Talons Blunts; Whistling Feathers; Dull Beak. It’s Time To Renew Its Youth In A Mountain Close To The Sun. 64.Process Of Rejuvenation, It Plucks Off Some of its Wing Feathers Or Completely Bald And wait For Forty Days For Complete Regrowth Of Feathers. Get Rid Of The Problem. 65.Next Rejuvenation Process, It Washes Itself In Icy Waters To Remove Taints, Stains, Lice, Parasites, Old And Dull Feathers And Stands Before The Sun. Face Each Season With Hope. 66.Third Step Is, It Hits The Beak And Talons Against The Rock, Slowly But Steadily, They Are Honed Back To Lethal Sharpness, Ready For The World. Slowly Remove Negative Patterns, Ideas And Thoughts. 67.After The Rejuvenation Process, The Eagle Is Ready To Return To The Outside World To Do Exploits. Escape To Become A Better You And Spread Your Wings To Fly To Greater Heights. A brave man found an eagle’s egg and put it into the nest of a chicken. The eagles hatched with the brood of chicks and grew up with them. All his life thinking he was a chicken, did what chickens did; scratched dirts for seeds and insects to eat. He flew in a brief thrashing of wings and flurry of feathers no more than a few feet off the ground. Afterall that’s how chickens are supposed to fly. Years passed and the eagle grew very old. One day he saw a magnificent bird far above him in the cloudless Sky. Hanging with graceful majesty on the powerful wind current , it soared with scarcely a beat of its strong golden wings. “What a beautiful bird!” Said the eagle to his chicken friend, “what is it?” “That’s an eagle-the chief of birds,” the neighbour said, “but don’t give it a second thought. You could never be like him.” So the eagle never gave it another thought and it died thinking it was a chicken. Moral: everyone is born to reach for the Heavens, don’t be earth bound. Though created to be among the most awesome of all fowl, he instead believed his friend’s counsel. You never can tell how high you could fly until you dare.